Positive Thinking - Success Consciousness
Positive is all over the social media. You also have friends who would always tell you to think positive in a situation that got out of hand. It’s given that positive thinking is a widely held belief.
Becoming a positive thinker is not easy. But it can be done. If you’re truly serious about transforming yourself, then you need to learn how to overcome your self-doubt. You need to let go of your negative thoughts.
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.
A person with positive thinking mentality anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes that he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty.
Uncover the incredible truth about positive thinking. Learn how you can use it as a powerful weapon to finally achieve long-lasting happiness and fulfillment!
Correct your internal voice when it
exaggerates, especially when it exaggerates the negative: “I always eat too
much” or “I’ll never lose weight.” These are absolutes, meaning they’re
always 100 percent true, but there are very few absolutes in life. If you
exaggerate or use an absolute, rephrase what you say. For example, “I always
eat too much” can be changed to, “In the past, I’ve often eaten too much. Now,
I’m getting better at how much I eat.” Then feel good about taking control of
your thoughts.
Sometimes putting a stop
to negative thinking is as easy as that. The next time you start giving
yourself an internal critique session, tell yourself to stop it! If you saw a
person yelling insults at someone else, you’d probably tell them to stop,
wouldn’t you? Why do you accept that behavior from yourself?
Did you know that love is a word
derived from the Sanskrit word that means looking for the good? Be loving
toward yourself (and others), and instead of focusing on what you think your
negative qualities are, accentuate your strengths and assets. Maybe you didn’t
develop enough stamina this month to run a mile, but perhaps your hard work and
perseverance led to losing an additional five pounds. Maybe you felt nervous
and self-conscious when going out to a formal social event, but you received
numerous comments from friends that they were happy you joined them and had a
good time.
4. IT'S OK
Maybe you got nervous and
embarrassed that you couldn't keep up in fitness class or felt bad that you
gave in and ate those potato chips. It’s OK. All people have weaknesses, and we
all fall off the path at times or don’t do things as well as we think we should.
Your boss, co-workers, friends, family, mayor and favorite movie star have all
had embarrassing moments and setbacks. Perfection is a high goal; don’t start
or even end there. Make doing your best your ideal goal. Focus on what you’ve
gained from the process and how you can use it in the future. Avoid focusing on
what wasn’t done or should have been done differently. Allow yourself to make
mistakes and then forgive yourself.
5. DON’T
Don’t hold yourself to standards that
you wouldn’t expect others to meet. It’s great to want to do well, but
expecting yourself to be better than the best and then punishing yourself
when you fail is a vicious cycle. Using expressions like “I should have” is
just a way of punishing yourself after the fact. Stop it. Live in the present
and move forward. Don’t drag the past along for the ride; it gets heavy. Do you
remember the children’s story of the little train that could? That’s how you
need to live your life. Keep saying to yourself, “I know I can...I know I
can...I can...I can!” Tell your subconscious you’ve already done it. Be kind to
yourself and remember you can do this!
Instead of focusing on the negative,
replace your criticism with encouragement. Give constructive suggestions instead
of being critical. (“Maybe if I try to do ____ next time, it would be even
better,” instead of “I didn’t do that right.”) Compliment yourself and those
around you on what you’ve achieved. (“Well, we may not have done it all, but we
did a pretty great job with what we did.”) Giving praise will also encourage
others to praise you, and this builds up your confidence to continue on the
You’re not to blame every time
something goes wrong or someone has a problem. Apologizing for things and
accepting the blame can be a positive quality — if you're in the wrong. You
learn and move on. But you shouldn’t feel responsible for all problems or
assume you’re to blame whenever someone’s upset. Many of us know people who
seem to start almost every sentence with the words, “I’m sorry.” I challenge
you to remove the word “sorry” completely from your vocabulary. Every time you
say, “I’m sorry,” you reinforce the idea that you’re less than you should be in
your subconscious mind. If you’re wrong, use the words “I apologize” instead
and stop telling yourself and everyone around you that you’re sorry.
Just as not everything is your fault,
not everything is your responsibility, either. You’re responsible for you; it's
great if you also influence others positively, but you’re not responsible for
their thoughts, feelings and actions. It’s OK to be helpful, but don’t feel the
need to be all things (and do all things) for all people. This is putting too
much of a burden on yourself — and is disrespectful of those around you. Allow
others to be responsible for themselves and their actions. You’re not
responsible for anyone else’s happiness. No one can make another person happy;
we’re all in charge of our own emotions.
Trying to force someone to feel a certain way is just wasted energy on your
9. BE
Just as you can’t make other people
happy, don’t expect others to make you feel happy or good about yourself...and
don’t blame them if you feel guilty or bad about yourself. You create your
own feelings and make your own decisions. People and events may set the stage
for your emotions, but they can’t dictate them. What others think about you and
say to you can only have as much effect as you allow it to have. What’s
important is what you tell yourself, and how you react to others.
People often feel perfectly
comfortable treating themselves in ways they wouldn’t consider treating others.
Do you call yourself names like fat, ugly, and loser? Would you use those terms
to describe a friend? Remind yourself that you deserve to be treated well. Do
something nice for yourself sometimes, either in thought (give yourself a
compliment) or action (treat yourself to a massage).
11. LET IT
You don’t need to be all things to
all people or please everyone. Give yourself permission to decide you’re doing
the best you can. Remind yourself when you're doing things well — don't wait to
hear it from someone else.
A compliment is a gift to the
receiver and a gift to the giver if the receiver really accepts it. The
inability to accept compliments is like a plague, helping to create a society
of depressed people with poor self-images. Very few people do this well. Truly
taking in a compliment is an opportunity to increase our self-esteem,
self-image, and confidence. If you don't accept the gift of a compliment, it
hurts the giver’s feelings and the chance of that person giving you a gift
again is decreased.
13. LET
Don’t hang on to painful memories and
bad feelings, as that's a sure-fire way to encourage negative thoughts and bad
moods. Your past can take control of your present and rob your future if you
let it. If you can, forgive past wrongs and move on. This includes forgiving
yourself. Forgiveness is done for your peace of mind and your happiness,
not for the other person. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you condone their
behavior; wrong is wrong. The purpose of forgiveness is to set you free, since
holding onto anger is like putting yourself in a jail cell. If you have a hard
time forgiving or forgetting, consider talking through your emotions with a
good friend or counselor, but try not to dwell on the matter. It’s important to
work through things, but you can’t let the past determine your future.
Avoid “can’t” thinking or other
negative language. Don’t be afraid to seek help in accomplishing things, but
remind yourself that you don’t need approval from others to recognize your
accomplishments. Focus on what you’re able to do. Remind yourself of all your
capabilities and positive qualities.
Let go of the past; you must look to
the future to change. Stop thinking of old failures. They
are the past. This is NOW. Remind yourself that this time you’re focusing on
the core issues that will ensure your success. BELIEVE IT!
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